Saturday, July 12, 2008

A walking contradiction

ManhattanHengeIsn't it cool that about 4 times a year (today July 12th is one) the sun lines up with the east west streets in Manhattan so you can actually watch the sun set in the middle of 42nd street if you don't mind being run over by Travis Bickle. "I'm just waiting for the sun to shine."

Why won't some guys hold a door open for another guy? Is it the same reason they have to sit with an empty seat between them in a theater? This isn't the same reason you put an empty urinal between you and the next guy. The last time I picked an adjacent one I felt some neighborly spittle rain through the gaps of my sandal and it all suddenly made sense. So if you pick first, how do you keep either side clear? Maybe I should try a mohawk and an army jacket.

You talkin' to me?

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