Mmmm. Cheese Nips!

*pounding his head on desk*
Zing Zing Zingbah!
OK. Poetry! Let's start with some Haiku. Standard 5-7-5 stuff:
I don't like to brag,Not so hard, eh? I did that in about three minutes. Maybe I should do this for a living. I was going to say Cheez-Its, but I liked the rhyme of Nips and chips. Can you believe that we still have the incredibly politically incorrect Cheese Nips on the shelf? Couldn't they have at least changed the name to Cheese Japs? Still a pejorative, but maybe not so offensive. Or maybe we could have a new flavor called Chinese Nips. Now that would be confusing. I tried looking up the history of Cheese Nips in the hopes it came from that raw feeling after a really hard workout where your T-shirt was like sandpaper and you said, "Dang! We played basketball so long I got cheese nips!" But I'm pretty sure that's not it.
But sometimes I slay myself.
It's a private thing.
Crap, I'm out of chips.
What could I replace them with?
How about Cheese Nips?
Those would be hamburger nips.
Labels: Cheese Nips, Haiku, politically incorrect
Hamberger nips? that is f'n genius. i gotta hand it to you Veg, you can come up with some real gems.
As for the haiku featuring the word Nips, i would never have noticed that. (japanese poem, japanese racial epithet, quite the corelation.) Never been a fan of the haiku, and i have read tons, but i again have to give you due credit. that was the best haiku i have ever read. It brought a grin to my face. Then again i am a bit twisted, so you may want to add a disclaimer to it.
Me Rike Haiku.
thanks for the words. I'll keep chugging.
I thought Haiku would be an excellent weapon to hoist them by their own petards. Actually I completely respect the crazy Japanese culture and hope they took no offense, (racial awareness!), but I always wanted to say petard.
Check it.
French style grenade, very hard to drop into a sentence. nice word dropping. once i hung out with Keith Richards. You said petard, i can drop Keith Richards.
Keith once loaned me his petard, but it was a dud.
No satisfaction. I can't get no...
Love that
Those Asians have such a great sense of humor, and they make it look like an accident of translation. Whatever.
You are funny!
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