Remember when Sergeant Frank Troy plants all those flowers on Fanny Robin's grave much to the chagrin of Bathsheba, and the Gurgoyle completely destroys all his work while he sleeps outside in the rain? Primroses, winter violets, snowdrops, crocuses and who knows what else. Troy was so pissed that he just swam out into the sea and then Bathsheba decides to marry the jerk neighbor. If she had just married Farmer Oak in the beginning, this story would have been a whole lot less gut-wrenching. I decided to go down to Stinsford Church where Mr. Hardy spent the first 2000+ Sundays of his life and see the gurgoyle that inspired him to write this part of the story.
It's wicked!
Labels: beautiful flowers, Far from, Gurgoyles, Madding Crowd
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