Good luck with that...

So anyway, I got nothing. I don't even know how to write a bad post, so I should just stop here before it starts to get funny. Maybe I should try to bore you to death by writing about all the M. Night Shyamalan movies I've seen. Did you hear he's going to screw up "Life of Pi" now. We're lucky he's only doing the screenplay, but I suppose he didn't mess up that Stuart Little too much. Did you see The Sixth Sense where the guy is dead through the whole movie, or The Village where they try to fool you into thinking it happened a hundred years ago (it didn't), or Signs where you don't know if the Aliens are real until you find out they are, or The Happening where the plants go crazy for some unexplained reason and kill everyone, but just for about 92 minutes. Oh yeah, SPOILER ALERT. Sorry, that was a little late, but you really didn't need to watch those movies anyway.
Here's a challenge. Try to sit through any Shyamalan movie twice in a row. Just try it.
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