While it's still good Friday, we should go ahead and celebrate some of the good things that happened on this day in history. While GF doesn't always land on April 14th, I figure next year we can celebrate whatever day it lands on then. So let's see what happened on April 14th. 1) President Lincoln was shot, but he didn't die until the next day and his assassin broke his leg and was in a lot of pain and eventually died from a gunshot wound. Another good thing was that the doctor that treated Booth's leg, his name ended up being Mudd and he went to a swamp prison to suffer the rest of his life. He saved a lot of people from yellow fever and helped to reduce prisoner mistreatment there. You can decide whether this was good or not. 2) Good thing number two, when they hung those crazy killers from Capote's In Cold Blood so that TC could finally finish his story and make you feel sorry for at least one of them (Perry, not Dick). Whew! 3) Titanic ran into an iceberg, but I'm not sure there's anything good about that story unless you talk to James Cameron. But I can think of several million people who've had to suffer this tragedy again and again and not in a good way. 4) The Donner party set out for California. I guess this was a good day for them starting a new life and all. I can't remember why they were leaving though, so it might have been under other than optimal conditions.
That's all I've got. Why do we celebrate this day again? I think someone important died on this day. Oh yeah, it was Burl Ives - Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, or Sam the Snowman in Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. We'll miss you Burl!
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