Thursday, April 13, 2006

Harshing my mellow

click on meDid you guys see that movie where a giant marshmallow attacked the city and ate everyone? I think it was a horror movie from the early 70's, but it must have been a big flop because who would be afraid of a marshmallow? Yummy goodness is what I say. Once you get eaten, there would be a party in there. Do you think the guy who thought of that got fired? Probably not because my boss thought up an idea to make your cell phone emit a smell when it rings (smelliphone on the patent application) and he didn't get fired. Well, he did get layed-off, but supposedly those two things were unrelated.

Mmmm. Marshmallows!


Blogger Aaron said...

Hmmmm. Ghostbusters. It sounds familiar. Let me do a quick google search and I'll get back to you.

Nope, the movie I was talking about was Raging Bull where DeNiro gains 350 pounds and then ate Hell's Kitchen, or maybe that's where he gained the weight. I can't remember now.

4/14/2006 2:25 AM  

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