I accidentally went to a blog with a bunch of funny bumper stickers today. My eyes are still burning. What's worse than putting a bumper sticker on your car? Taking a picture of it and putting it on your blog. The only amusing thing about bumper stickers is analyzing the driver's personality through the joke he worships so much he wants to keep telling it over and over until the sun cures the sticky allowing it to flake off like dead skin. My favorite is "Save the Ta-Ta's" which makes people laugh because we are allowed to be crude and derisive as long as we're also being compassionate and charitable. So this guy (maybe that's an unfair gender assumption?) wants you to get exams early and often (he's willing to make free house calls) to improve his statistical opportunity of ogling pleasure. It always feels good to give, right? When his son asks, "Daddy, what's a ta-ta?", he can say, "Son, let me show you the internet..."
In case of rapture my dog will eat your honor student.
Labels: bumper stickers, burning eyes, ta tas
Broken Bananas- 1
I brake for Jebus-0
Just in case your keeping score.
Definitely not my best work. In my defense I woke up this morning and found out I'd been published. I suppose we should treat each day as though a million people were watching our every move, but I'm more a "Do as I say, not as I do", kind of guy.
I'll try harder.
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