Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shiva: The Destroyer

ShivaHis name was Remo and for about three years he was all I read. At the time there were only 109 novels in the series, but I think they're up to 148 now. The idea of killing someone with two fingers was the shizz. The ultimate killing machine. No weapons required, he was like James Bond times a thousand and then squared.

Now I found out Shiva is not only the Destroyer, but is also the Lord of the Dance which is why He's always partying in that wheel as Nataraja. So does this make Michael Flatley a Hindu, or maybe he's really the master of Sinanju. Perhaps that awesome Irish Riverdance is a fancy hypnosis technique which is why it's so eerily insouciant... I'll bet I can find it on YouTube right now.

Perfection is a path, not a destination.

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