Friday, March 10, 2006

Gruff Cockersnott

You may think I'm making this up, but I went to school with a guy named Gruff Cockersnott. I think that's Scottish, but anyway, he looked like a little leprechaun with bright red hair and a little green suit. For some reason no one else could see him, but he was always there, just out of sight. If I had eyes in the back of my head, then I could see him following me around, but he always gave me the answers on Algebra tests. He wasn't so good at English or Chemistry though. When he was a sophomore, he met Mandy and after they finally got together (much wooing ensued), he disappeared and I never saw him again. No wait, that was Jeff Brock. Gruff hung around until the end of my Junior year when I was conscripted by that evil virago. I don't remember much of the next two years, but I'm pretty sure that Gruff wasn't around.

Damn you, Gruff!


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