Who invented these crappy things? I'm a professional making over $100K and I sit in a 12x12 cube. I'm not even allowed to put up work stuff on the wall because we're scared that someone will steal our intellectual property. I sit in this dreary little underlighted cube where my neighbors all have meetings either on the phone or in person around me so that I can't even concentrate on my work.

Strange thing is that cubes were born the same year I was born: 1968, and we can all blame Bob Propst for his Action Office. Can we kill him? No, he died in 2000 and didn't even see the American Dream destroyed by the evil Junta that has taken over our country. But if it's any consolation, he was distraught about the "monolithic insanity" that he created in the world. I suppose that we should be happy that we don't live in China and make $2 a week, but really this is just a trend that is pushing us back to the gilded age and further. First it's offices that go, then pensions, then health care, then your job is outsourced and then you work at Wal-Mart.
Remember when we used to work in that huge cube with a computer and everything?

Strange thing is that cubes were born the same year I was born: 1968, and we can all blame Bob Propst for his Action Office. Can we kill him? No, he died in 2000 and didn't even see the American Dream destroyed by the evil Junta that has taken over our country. But if it's any consolation, he was distraught about the "monolithic insanity" that he created in the world. I suppose that we should be happy that we don't live in China and make $2 a week, but really this is just a trend that is pushing us back to the gilded age and further. First it's offices that go, then pensions, then health care, then your job is outsourced and then you work at Wal-Mart.
Remember when we used to work in that huge cube with a computer and everything?
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