Why do you think the crazy people all hide in the shadows? Darwin would tell us they couldn't survive otherwise. Perhaps it's the paranoids who are the fittest and the ones walking erect in broad daylight are making themselves easy targets for the space ray guns that make them stupid. I can hear you laughing now, but actually I work for a company that builds these stupid ray satellites. People ask me why we don't just build satellites that kill these threats to national security, but the answer is simple. 1) bodies always make people ask questions, but stupid people are never a surprise, 2) missing people cause questions too, 3) more stupid people means more cheap labor or 4) higher prison populations which is a pretty lucrative business too. 5) Stupid people are easy to manipulate (voting, spending, distracting with shiny objects), and 6) stupid people remove competition from the stupid inbred rich people who would lose their money if there were really smart hard-working people in the world.
Watch out for the stupid rays!
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