My dog's name is Odie, which started out as O.D. (other dog) because we didn't want to give her a name and become attached to her. We already had two other big (seventy pound) dogs. Our space was fully occupied and our pet budget was stretched. Now, I guess the name stands for "only dog" because we found good homes for the other two, but no one wanted Odie. Odie has some faults like when she totally clawed up the new plantation shutters because she wanted to go to the park with us. She also pees on the floor occasionally, but we don't have a doggy door so maybe that's our fault, but at least she doesn't eat all the paper in the house like Wiggum, or eat all the other dog's poop, like Bella. I didn't mean for this to turn into a scatalogical story, but sometimes you just end up there. Hopefully not too often if you don't want to get hepatitis or shigella. Not that you could get those from a story (I hope).
It's kind of like that story that Jack Paar tried to tell on the Tonight Show, but when they edited it out, he walked off the set. I'm sure that he didn't know he was going there either. How did we get here? When I create my rock band, Pizza Gash, our first song is going to be about a dog named Odie.
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